CMA Implements ClearVantage’s Advanced Web Functionality
Though the streamlining of CMA’s billing process is one of the biggest benefits that it has seen since “going live” with the software, CMA is equally impressed by ClearVantage’s web functionality. “With ClearVantage Web, our members’ online experience will be greatly enhanced. Each member of our organization will be able to log in and have his or her own ‘personal space’ within the CMA website,” states Wtulich. “ClearVantage Web will allow each member to create a customized profile while giving that particular member a detailed history of his involvement with and benefit to CMA – i.e. dues paid, donations offered, committees joined, and events attended. And that’s not all. With ClearVantage’s online Chapter Leader Access System (CLAS), we are now able to more efficiently communicate with the heads of each of our 39 societies while simultaneously monitoring the activity of each individual component – all in real time. ClearVantage’s ability to take our organization’s information and place it into one centralized database has not only given us “one stop” access to just about all the information we need in, but it has also taken that same information (that once required the cooperation of various organizational departments to obtain) and made it more transparent and easier to understand.”
Ms. Wtulich concludes that the success of this project could not have come to fruition without Euclid’s outstanding project team. “From the start, it became quickly evident that Euclid’s team of experts was dedicated to the success of this project no matter what,” finished Wtulich. “From promptly answering all of our questions, to consistently developing the right solutions for our organization without impacting the agreements we had in the original contract, Euclid’s project members showed exceptional dedication in making sure all of our needs were met.”