Automation for Associations

Erin Reeve | | August 10, 2018


Today, there are more ways than ever before to create personalized, digital experiences for your members and prospects via automation. How does it work exactly?  Broadly speaking, automation targets individuals based on their behavior, interests, preferences and purchases.  By utilizing automation, associations can market products, events and services that speak to each member. In this article, we will provide an overview of the three stages of automation so that you can assess where your organization stands in the process. 

Three Stages of Automation

  • Fixed Automation is improving an established process by automating it via technology. This kind of automation is based on a preset series and pulls information from member records. An example of fixed automation is setting up templates and data population for blast emails that send specialized content to each target segment.
  • Dynamic Automation responds to end user activity. It provides personalized responses, reactions, and follow ups based on end users’ behavior (i.e., website behaviors, email responses, past purchases, etc.). An example of dynamic automation would be to send a personalized, automated follow up email based on how a recipient responds to your original email.
  • Predictive Automation anticipates needs by combining data from member records and user activity with predictive modeling. As an example, predictive automation would respond to emails based not only on how a user responds, but also using predictive analytics to uncover purchase patterns and behaviors of other individuals. This type of automation can lead to highly personalized interactions with prospects and members.


In a recent blog post, we covered how marketing automation is a “hot” but relatively new concept for many associations, especially when it comes to predictive automation. You may not be aware that there are already tools within ClearVantage (as well as Euclid's CMS, CV Connect) that can easily automate some of your marketing and create a higher level of engagement with your members.

It’s important to assess where your association is and consider if the next stage is right for your association. Every association is different.   Contact your client support specialist to discuss what may be right for your association and to learn more about the automation tools within the ClearVantage Association Management Software suite.



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